Sunday, December 02, 2012

Canning beans & beef

I was able to get a 2 lb bag of Northern beans on sale for $1, so I thought I would try canning them up to have on hand for quick use.  I was surprised that it produced 8 pints.  I also got some good beef roast on sale, so I bought two, one to eat and one to can.  My first attempt at that too.  Five pints of cubed beef roast.

2012 canning:

16 pints potatoes
8 pints corn
10 3/4 pt ketchup
12 1/2pt ketchup
21 24oz spaghetti sauce
6 pt spaghetti sauce
2 1/2pt spaghetti sauce
20 1/2pt pizza sauce
5 pints salsa
4 1/2pt bell peppers
3 1/2pt chili peppers
2 1/4pt chili peppers
3 pints grape juice
2 1/2 pt nectarine sauce
7 pints diced applies
8 pints northern beans
5 pints beef roast

= 134 jars of food preserved for later