Tuesday, April 07, 2009

Walgreens Trip

My first Walgreens trip this week. (I drive right past Walgreens on my way to and from work).

3 - Garnier Fructis hairspray 3/$10
used 3 $1 coupons
2 - Johnson's baby wash 2/$6
used 2 IP $1 coupons
1 - Colgate Total tp $3.49
used $1.50 coupon
1 - Edge Gel $2.99

$22.48 + 1.57 tax = $24.05
- 6.50 coupons - 2 RR = 15.55 paid

will get 5.50 rebate
rec'd RR 3.50, 1.00, 3.00

NET $4.55 !!!! 19 % of purchase price!!!!