Thursday, June 03, 2010

YTD Spending

I knew that I hadn't spent too much in May but I even surprised myself when I added my numbers up.

Groceries $105.90
HBA & Cleaning 10.33
Diapers 25.75
Garden 0

Groceries $577.05
HBA & Cleaning 105.70
Diapers 117.39
Garden 14.36

I forgot to add up my coupon savings.

1 comment:

Donna(mom24boyz) said...

I think you are doing a great job..but it is sad when diapers nearly total what one spends alone on Health/Beauty and Cleaning products.

Don't misunerstand my comment..I am not dissing you..but the manufactures and the prices they charge for diapers :)

I just finished using diapers (except at nght) for my fourth son. I have been buying diapers for the past 14 years! My kids are spaced out to where I never realy had two in diapers at the same time, but I always had one! I would hate to see how much I have spent on diapers in the past 14 years....scary to think about that total!

But soon, this will be off my purchasing list once and for all!