Thursday, November 11, 2010

Half price Christmas Present!

A certain girl has the DQ Blizzard Maker on her Christmas list so I was very excited to get in on this great deal! (Half price with sale and Target coupon)

DQ Blizzard Maker (reg. $29.99) $24.99 sale
DQ Blizzard refill (reg $5.99) $4.99 sale
2.39lb grapes 2.29/lb = 5.47

$35.45 + 1.40 tax = $36.85 Total
-1.22 5% red card savings
-10.00 Blizzard Maker Target coupon
-1.00 Produce Target coupon
-.05 Reusable bag credit
$24.58 PAID = 33% savings!!!

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