Saturday, September 22, 2012

Canning More Spaghetti Sauce

I had another batch of tomatoes ready, so that means more spaghetti sauce.

Spaghetti Sauce:
5 24oz jars
1 pt jar

2012 canning:

13 pints potatoes
8 pints corn
10 3/4 pt ketchup
12 1/2pt ketchup
9 24oz spaghetti sauce
5 pt spaghetti sauce
2 1/2pt spaghetti sauce
4 1/2pt bell peppers
2 1/4pt chili peppers
3 pints grape juice
2 1/2 pt nectarine sauce

= 70 jars of food preserved for later

1 comment:

Dirt Lover said...

Wahoo! I love having spaghetti sauce in the pantry for later in the year. Nice to look at, too.