Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Salsa - Batch #6 & Garden Recap

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Yesterday I picked more ripe tomatoes and lots of peppers so I made a batch of HOT salsa.

I canned:
6 Pints for the shelf

and I put a half pint in the fridge.

Garden Recap
There are more tomatoes on the plants but there was a chance for frost last night and tonight so I believe that will be the end of our crop.
John ate several tomatoes and I used some in cooking. And the total salsa on the shelf ia 3 quarts & 39 pints. That is an absolutely wonderful haul for our little $8 garden. I hope to expand it a little next year.


Anonymous said...

Do you have a recipe for your salsa? Thanks April

Aimee said...

I don't have a recipe that I follow but you can go here to see what I do: